Symposium in Vienna

Challenges for Counselling after the Amendment ofReproductive Medicine Law 2015 with Legalization ofEgg-Donation in Austria - Symposium22.6.2019, 12:00 – 18.00 Together with the Austrian Federation of Psychologist, the International Infertility Counselling...

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No workshop in Barcelona this year, but …

Unfortunately, there will not be a workshop in Barcelona this year. But: EHSRE will take place in Vienna next year, and the Austrian colleagues have already started to think about a workshop on the Saturday prior to the ESHRE conference.

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Next presentation of Helsinki Workshop

Dear colleagues, the next presentation from our Helsinki workshop, presented by Claudia Lampic, is online. You can look at and download all presentations from this page:

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Carpe Fucking Diem

Carpe Fucking Diem This was the strong and emotional title of one presentation we had at our annual Workhop in Helsinki. Eline Brotherus, a Finnish photographer, published an autobiographic documentary on her journey through infertility. The photos are very powerful...

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New counseling organization in South Africa

New counseling organization in South Africa The SASREG Psychology and Counselling Special Interest Group was formed on the 31 October 2015. The main task of the group is to set up goals for psychologists involved in field of ART. Our current goals are to share best...

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Canada: International Conference

On September 7th 2015, will be held Infertility Without Borders, the first international conference on infertility awareness. The event will bring together representatives of patient groups from across the globe, healthcare professionals and local policy-makers. The...

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