I  I  C  O

International Infertility  Counseling Organisation

International 2024

In summer 2024, IICO published a statement about

Psychosocial Counselling and Professional Support related to involuntary childlessness, including Implications over the life-course.
You can access this statement as a PDF here. Please feel free to ciruculate this amongst your professional networks.

Vienna 2019

On June,  22nd, from 10.00 to 17.00,  IICO together with the Austrian Psychology Organisation will hold the workshop  “Legal Changes in Austria – Developments since 2016”

You can download the programme and register here.

We are looking forward to seeing you in Vienna!

Barcelona 2018

There will not be an IICO Workshop in Barcelona this year. Next year, ESHRE will be in Vienna and the Austrian colleagues have already started to organise a workshop there.

Welcome to the IICO

IICO is short for the International Infertility Counseling Organisation. IICO is the international umbrella organization for national fertility counseling organisations.

Our goal is to bring together professional organizations and individual practitioners in infertility counseling worldwide in order to facilitate the sharing of knowledge and experience and in order to further the development of infertility counseling. There are currently over 10 national organizations and we strive to hold a work-shop every two years in conjunction with international conferences.

If you are interested in events, browse our website and subscribe to our blog (see below). If you are interested in contacting like-minded professionals in other countries, send them an email. If you have any questions regarding IICO or suggestions you would like to make, please use the contact form to be in touch with us.

Linda Hammer Burns (USA)

Petra Thorn (DE)

Sheila Pike (UK)

Uschi van den Broeck (BE)

Tewes Wischmann (DE)

PS. Parts of this website are currently work in progress. If you seek information but cannot find it, let us know!

Workhop in Vienna 2019

Just prior to ESHRE, IICO together with the Austrian Organisation for Psychology offered a workshop on the new legislation in Austria. You can read some of the presentations here.  

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Symposium in Vienna

Challenges for Counselling after the Amendment ofReproductive Medicine Law 2015 with Legalization ofEgg-Donation in Austria - Symposium22.6.2019, 12:00 – 18.00 Together with the Austrian Federation of Psychologist, the International Infertility Counselling...

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IICO Workshop in Vienna, June 22nd, 2019

On June,  22nd, from 10.00 to 17.00 (times are tentative),  IICO together with the Austrian Psychology Organisation will hold the workshop  “Legal Changes in Austria – Developments since 2016” Once the programme has been...

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No workshop in Barcelona this year, but …

Unfortunately, there will not be a workshop in Barcelona this year. But: EHSRE will take place in Vienna next year, and the Austrian colleagues have already started to think about a workshop on the Saturday prior to the ESHRE conference.

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informed …

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