Dear colleagues,

You are warmly invited to join us on the 6th July 2024 (prior to the ESHRE Annual meeting) for the IICO symposium “How the internet, digilization and DNA changes the field of counseling” that will take place in Amsterdam.

Together with POINT, the professional organisation of Belgian and Dutch Fertility counselors, the International Infertility Counselling Organization (IICO) is offering a half-day symposium (12 – 6 p.m.) for colleagues interested in the developments in the field of ART-counseling. The symposium will provide opportunities to discuss and share experiences with international colleagues. All presentations will be in English. Afterwards there will be the possibility for a joint dinner.


DTCGT revealing the (mal)practice of the past
[*DTCGT: Direct-to-Consumer-Genetic-Testing]


  • Parents’ and offsprings’ experiences of insemination fraud (Sabrina Zeghiche & Isabel Côté; Université du Québec en Outaouais, CA)
  • How can parents, offspring and clinics be supported when malpractice from the past is discovered (Fred Grundlach, Fiom, NL)
  • Experiences of Juul and Jelmer, who discovered through online DNA testing that   the fertility doctor used his own sperm during fertility  treatments and that they are part of a large group of donor-conceived half-siblings (Juul & Jelmer,  DNAzaten, NL)

DTCGT and impact on the practice of donor conception

  • DTCGT and the changing landscape of gamete donor conception: key issues for practitioners and stakeholders (Lucy Frith, Manchester University, UK)
  • Access to donor information in times of DTCGT: Challenges for counseling (Astrid Indekeu, Support and Expertise Centre for families after donor conception, BE)
  • Digital mediated reproduction (Leah Gilman, Sheffield University, UK)


Location: Amsterdam (information regarding exact location will be announced at
Please register at
Participation fee: 40,00 Euro per person (press free of charge),
to be transferred to:
Account holder: POINT
Payment reference:
IBAN: NL49RABO0376036842
until 01.06.2024

Please feel free to forward this message to anyone who might be interested. The information is also available in PDF (attached)

We are looking forward to seeing you in Amsterdam!

Astrid Indekeu
Chair of POINT, professional organisation of Belgian & Dutch Fertility counselors