by PT | May 29, 2016 | Conference, international news, workshops
Workshop in Helsinki organized by the Finnish Fertility Association and IICO 2.7.2016 12:00 – 18.00 Venue Tarvaspää- café (Gallen-Kallela Museum) Gallen-Kallelan tie 27, 02600 Espoo HOW TO GET TO THE VENUE Café...
by PT | Mar 7, 2016 | Allgemein, Allgemein @en, Conference, international news, workshops
IICO together with the Finnish Infertility Counseling group will organize a half-day workshop in Helsinki, just prior to EHSRE The workshop will take place on July, 2nd, 2016 from approx. 12.00 to 18.00 and will focus on third party reproduction. We will post the...
by PT | Apr 22, 2015 | Allgemein, Allgemein @en, Allgemein @es, international news
Fertility Counselling – clinical guide and case studies. edited by Sharon Covington The above book will come out soon and is available from Cambridge University Press. Many IICO-colleagues have contributed to this book. Here more about the content: Using real-world...
by PT | Feb 13, 2015 | Allgemein, Conference, international news
BKiD, the German Fertility Counseling Organisation will celebrate its 15th anniversary, you can read more here.
by PT | Feb 13, 2015 | international news
Dear colleagues, we have a colleague who will offer infertility counseling in Ghana, check here.
by PT | Oct 29, 2014 | Allgemein, Conference, international news
On November 13th, there will be a conference in Switzerland on ART and third party reproduction. Here the information in German: Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren Fortpflanzungsmedizin aus religiöser Sicht. Standpunkte. Donnerstag, 13.11.2014, Zürich Leihmutterschaft,...